


Feet are composed of a set number of syllables and link together to create the lines of a poem and establish meter.
When identifying or writing poetry, it is important to correctly label feet into their stressed and unstressed syllables.



Binary Feet (two syllables per foot)

Title Configuration Example
iamb -- / decide
trochee / -- wallet
spondee / / black pot
pyrrhic -- -- of a

Ternary Feet (three syllables per foot)

Title Configuration Example
anapaest-- -- /understand
dactyl/ -- --carapace
amphibrach-- / --dumbfounded
amphimacer/ -- /broken law
bacchius-- / /his right hand
antibacchius/ / --good evening
molossus/ / /square red brick
tribrach-- -- --or as a

Quaternary Feet (four syllables per foot)

Title Configuration Example
tetrabrach-- -- -- --and isn't it
dispondee/ / / /three grey, fat rats
diamb-- / -- /I want what's mine
ditrochee/ -- / --little kraken
ionic minor-- -- / /they are daft men
ionic major/ / -- --painstakingly
antispast-- / / --a foul person
choriamb/ -- -- /people are dumb
first paeon/ -- -- --temporary
second paeon-- / -- --benevolent
third paeon-- -- / --she is handsome
fourth paeon-- -- -- /they just appear
first epitrite-- / / /the N.S.A.
second epitrite/ -- / /place a large bet
third epitrite/ / -- /give up. you swine
fourth epitrite/ / / --dead man walking